KAS News

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2005 – Hühnerdiebe

Chicken thieves

What do some big handsome boys do in the chicken coop?

In February 2005 six big and handsome students went out to the house where the chicken of our honorable school live. This house is called a chicken coop. The garden of the chicken is a pen. These chicken and there boss the cock live in that wooden house and the garden around it in peace and happiness.


It looked as if these happy days might end soon. What did they want, these boys? Did they want to catch and eat the chicken? Did they want to burn their house? They came to the gate in the fence and the chicken didn’t know what to do. Cocks aren’t afraid of anything in the world (only foxes perhaps). So the cock went to see what they might want. They were sent by their teacher Mrs Schröder. Mrs Schröder has got a big pot in her kitchen, big enough to cook three chicken in it. But this time she didn’t want the chicken for her pot, no.


It was the boy’s job to clean the house and pen. And what’s more she wanted to see if these boys were real boys, not afraid of chicken. Catch the cock, she said. Then everything will be easy. But none of the boys could catch the cock because the cock fought like a lion. He pecked at them and fluttered and showed that he was the boss not they. But he couldn’t stop them from catching one of his hens. But she was the only one they caught. And then she was passed around. Everyone had to take her. One of the boys wore gloves on his hands. What a wimp!

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